We are delighted to be hosting this annual week long retreat with Dena & Jack from Australia again in 2023. Join us for this wonderful and deep experience – this retreat is an invitation to explore the richness of Ashtanga Yoga while having enough space to enjoy the sun on the beach, go for a surf or just chill in the hammock on your terrace.

Each morning will begin with quiet reflection and development of the breath. Followed by a combination of conducted and Mysore style classes which will accommodate and extend practitioners of all levels. The afternoon classes will support the morning practice and will cover fundamentals of asana, bandha, pranayama, yoga philosophy, chanting and stillness. Dena’s authentic and holistic approach; inspire a passion for self-discovery and reflection.

Dena Kingsberg

Dena Kingsberg has been studying and practicing traditional Ashtanga Yoga for more than 30 years. She is one of Sri K.Pattabhi Jois’s most advanced female students. Having completed the fourth series in 1996 she has been certified by the Ashtanga Yoga Research Institute to teach this method. Jack and Dena were married by Guruji in 1997 and the path of motherhood has added a gentle compassion to Dena’s disciplined yet lyrical style of teaching. Assisted by Jack, family warmth & love of the practice shine through to create a safe yet provoking class atmosphere.

For more information please contact us:
