Ayurveda Cleanse Retreat Portugal

Organizer: Doreen Palke

Dates: 3 – 8 June 2024

This 6-day Ayurveda Cleanse Retreat Portugal will help you to reboot your body and mind for your emotional and physical well-being. With a holistic detox programme, we will immerse ourselves in the cleansing healing methods of Ayurveda and you will be given tools and practices that you can incorporate into your daily life to return home refreshed, fulfilled and inspired.

In addition to an Ayurvedic detox diet, we will support the detoxification process with Ayurvedic remedies. Stimulating yoga and pranayama sessions will revitalise your metabolism. You will find inner peace and tranquillity in meditation, during a soothing massage and on daily walks in unspoilt nature. After the detox days, you will feel a greater awareness of your body and new energy and vitality will return to your body.

For more information please contact us: